I attended Zendesk Pre-Sales Bootcamp Day-2

I attended Zendesk Pre-Sales Bootcamp Day-2

Clock Icon2022.06.01


I Attended Zendesk Bootcamp - Day 2

Blog for Zendesk Presales Bootcamp Day 1 : https://dev.classmethod.jp/articles/i-attended-zendesk-bootcamp-day-1/

To continue to Zendesk Pre Sales Bootcamp day 2

The topics that were covered were as follows

  • Pre-Sales engagement
  • Dash to Demo
  • Demo Preparation
  • How does Zendesk help
  • How to Focus on Value

Pre-Sales Engagement

Pre-sales engagement is everything that comes before interacting with the customer. Ideally, your Pre-Sales engagement prepares your sales team for a successful sales engagement process.

The Pre-Sales would be involved in three phases of the process

  • Discovery
  • Solution Review
  • Solution Validation



The Pre-Sales will be involved in Preparing and Presenting Demo to the client. As this is the most important phase as there are high chances for Success or Failure in achieving the project.

Things to consider by Pre-sales team before the Demo:

  • Set the right Expectations with the Prospect.
  • To have all answers to the questions asked by the Customer using the Demo.
  • Do not hurry to close the sales order.
  • Have a generic Sales pitch etc.,


Demo Preparation:

Before the Pre-Sales prepares the Demo. The right amount of Research should be done as to "what to access" and "what to look for" to turn the feature function into a demo. The key for this would be Research, Research and Research.

Things to remember to prepare the demo:

  • Value vs Feature
  • The Challenges faced - what is not working in their existing system.
  • Solution for the Challenges - how Zendesk is going to solve their problem.
  • Benefits - what are the goals that can be achieved together.
  • Customer Journey - Outline the customer journey to connect with the customer.
Once the Challenges and Objectives are understood. Prepare the proposed solution with benefits.

All these was covered in Zendesk Pre-Sales Bootcamp Day-2. It was a good session overall. I hope you will gain some knowledge reading this blog.

Thank you !!




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